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St John’s College VCE 2023 success

On behalf of the St John’s College community, I congratulate our Class of 2023 on their success in the VCE and VCAL this year. I am delighted to announce that all students who participated achieved their VCE and the results this year were among some of most positive in the history of the College.

Some important statistics include:

  • 10 % of SJC students appear in the top 10% in the state
  • 21 % of SJC students in the top 20% in the state
  • 35 % of SJC students in the top 30% in the state

We warmly congratulate the 2023 Dux, Helena Petrou, who achieved an ATAR of 93.7 and Dux Proximus, Paul Ketikidis, who achieved an ATAR of 91.1. 

We were delighted with the academic efforts of the Class of 2023. These positive academic results were achieved by students who participated fully in the co-curricular life of the College throughout their time with us. They also demonstrated great modelling and leadership in their final years as our senior students.

The combination of supportive parents, effective schoolwide initiatives to improve teaching and learning and a committed and skilful staff have all contributed to these positive results.

Our students come to us with their own gifts, skills and abilities and we encourage all to attempt Year 12. The emphasis in the VCE in 2023 has been on achieving personal best and we are delighted that our VCE results reflect this, as we wish the class of 2023 all the very best with their future endeavours.

Andrew Ponsford
Saint John’s College Principal