Brisbane: The Feast Day of the Church of the Dormition of Our Lady, Mt Gravatt

With the Blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Brisbane presided over the Vespers service for the great feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos at the church of the Dormition of Our Lady in Mt Gravatt, Brisbane, in the presence of all the clergy of Brisbane.
In his sermon His Grace spoke about the person of the Holy Theotokos. An individual who provided humanity with the greatest gift, Her Son, Jesus Christ. A pure individual who knew nothing more than to love, to be humble, to pray and to prioritise God in Her life, an example on how we should live our lives.
Furthermore, His Grace continued to say that during the difficult and challenging moments of our lives, we ought to pray to the Theotokos and that although She ascended into heaven, She continues to remain with us at moments of despair and difficulty.
On the main day of the Great Feast, His Grace officiated at the Matins Service and presided over the Divine Liturgy with the assistance of the Parish Priest Father Nicholas Brown, Assistant Parish Priest Father Panagiotis Simos, Father John Abdel-Karim from the Antiochian church and Father John Vesic from the Serbian church.

At the end of the liturgy a procession was conducted with the holy icon of the Theotokos.
A luncheon was held immediately after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, where His Grace conveyed the love and blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, and wished on behalf of His Eminence many years to the clergy of Queensland, the Parish President, Mr. Loukas Comino and the Vice President of the Ladies Philoptochos, Mrs. Maria Bibilis.
In addition, His Grace thanked Father Constantinos Lentakis for his presence. Father Constantinos is a retired priest of our Archdiocese who served tirelessly for decades as Parish Priest of the Church of the Dormition of Our Lady, Mt Gravatt.
His Grace then emphasised the importance of the upcoming visit of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Australia and the significance of our attendance.
In conclusion, upon the request of His Grace, a short documentary was played in the church hall for the 50 year anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. His Grace emphasised the importance of praying to the Holy Theotokos for justice of Cyprus.