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Announcement about the fire at the Holy Church of Saints Anargiri, Oakleigh

Through an announcement made by the Archdiocesan District of Melbourne, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, together with Fr. Stavros Kakavas and the Council of the Parish – Community of Saints Anargiri Oakleigh, wish to update the faithful about the sad event of the fire in the Greek Orthodox church in the early hours of Saturday, 10 December 2022.

Expressing their sadness, they note that the investigation into the causes is ongoing, while pointing out that extensive damage was caused to the office space and smoke damage throughout the church, at the same time praising God and Saints Anargiri, Kosmas and Damianos that no one was hurt.

Furthermore, it is made known that tomorrow’s Divine Liturgy will be presided over by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis (Sunday 11 December), as well as that from Sunday, 11 December 2022, all scheduled Holy Services will be held in the conference hall, opposite the church, until it is restored and functioning again.

“We look forward to your continued support, prayers, and participation in all Holy Services. Although this is a sad event, it gives us an opportunity to unite in Christ and move forward,” the statement said.

Finally, it is reported that newer updates on the incident will follow.