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Winter student camp of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea held in city of Chuncheon

The winter student camp was held from February 14 to 17 at the facilities of the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea in the city of Chuncheon.

The participant Students came from the parishes of Seoul, Incheon and Ulsan. The general theme of the camp was based on the Clergy-Laity Assembly of the year 2024: “The evangelisation of people is not a choice, but a command of Christ to all”. Every day an effort was made to impress upon the students the personal duty of each member of the Church to spread the Gospel message to their environment, drawing examples from the Bible, the lives of the Saints of the Church, as well as from contemporary stories.

The daily schedule included morning and evening Holy Services in the church of St. Boris, Bible study, discussions on the general theme of the camp before lunch and dinner, the Sacrament of Holy Confession, rich entertainment, a visit to the Animation Museum, games, etc.

The camp ended on Saturday morning with the Divine Liturgy, during which special mention was made of the birthday of our Church in Korea, because 124 years ago, i.e. on February 17, 1900, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in Seoul.

Warm thanks are due to the camp staff, who worked with admirable zeal to keep the program and take care of the students, and to all those who worked hard to prepare the food for everyone present. Students and adults alike left from the Camp with the best of memories wishing each other to meet again during the summer camp.

Source: Metropolis of Korea