(Video) Talk by Mr. Philip Kariatlis on Saint John Climacus at the Archdiocesan District of Melbourne

On the evening of Thursday, March 31, as part of the series of talks organised by the Archdiocesan District of Melbourne on the central theme of the importance of Lent (Journey to Pascha 2022 – The meaning of Great Lent),
the Parish of Saint Haralambos, in the suburb of Templestowe, hosted a talk by Associate Professor and Sub-Dean of Saint Andrew’s Theological College, Mr Philip Kariatlis, on the topic: ‘St John Climacus and the Stages of the Spiritual Life’.
The event was attended by the Archiepiscopal Vicar for Melbourne, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, clergy and many faithful of all ages.
The talk was followed by a dinner, all proceeds of which were donated to the “Five Loaves” initiative of the Archdiocesan District of Melbourne.
In the following video you can watch the whole speech of Mr Kariatlis: