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Two new health facilities opened in Namutumba and Bugembe, Uganda

On Friday 9 February 2024, His Grace Bishop Silvester of Kisitu officiated the blessing and opening of Saint Spyridon Medical Center in Namutumba town, accompanied by the Vicar General Father Chrysostom Koolya and some members of the Diocese Health Department.

The health-care facility was previously in Nsinze as a small clinic but efforts were made to upgrade and relocate it to a more populous and urban area of Namutumba.

Similarly, the following day, on 10 February 2024, His Grace Bishop Silvester of Kisitu blessed and opened a pharmacy in Bugembe town, Jinja City.

“We greatly thank our mission associates Orthodox Christian Mission Centre – OCMC who financially supported us in establishing the two medical centers.”

Speaking to the health workers of the two establishments, His Grace urged them to always add prayers to their operations because our Lord and God, is the Physician of our souls and bodies who cures all infirmities of the flesh.

Source: Uganda Orthodox Church – Holy Diocese of Jinja and Eastern Uganda