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Trisagion for the Hero of Imia, Panagiotis Vlahakos in his home town of Laya

On Wednesday 31 January 2024, His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos III of Mani made his way to the remote village of Laya, Eastern Mani, and performed a Trisagion Memorial Service in front of the bust of the hero of the Navy, Vice-Captain Panagiotos Vlahakos, who fell in the line of duty on the islet of Imia on 31 January 1996.

His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos after the Trisagion spoke about the supreme value of duty.

Also in attendance were the Mayor of Eastern Mani, Mr. Andreakos, the Thematic Deputy Regional Governor of Peloponnese for Spatial Planning & Real Estate Management, Mr. Tzinieris, the Commander of the Areopolis Police Department, Second Policeman Mr. Bourdakos, the Deputy Commander of Areopolis Fire Department, Major Mr. Karatzis, the Harbormaster of Gytheio, Vice-Captain Mr. Vourletsis, deputy-mayors and municipal councillors, association representatives, as well as a delegation of students from Flomochorio Primary School.