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Tonsure of a new Archon by the Ecumenical Patriarch on Imbros

On Thursday, 30 May 2024, in the village of Gliki on Imbros, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew tonsured Mr. Yiannis Yiannakis as Archon Architektonas of the Great Church of Christ.

The Patriarch spoke appropriately to the new Archon of the Mother Church and Mr. Yiannakis in turn thanked the Patriarch for the great honour.

The Imbrian architect and writer Mr. Yiannis Yiannakis has written the study-book “Settlements and buildings of Imbros – their protection and development”, published by the Imbros and Tenedos Study Society (Thessaloniki 2019). There he demonstrates the interaction between the environment and man, the evolution of the construction of houses, the village water springs, the cemetery monuments with ancient Greek symbols and other local characteristics.