Thirty years since the monastic tonsure of Archbishop Makarios of Australia
18 October 1993 – 18 October 2023
It is thirty years today since the monastic tonsure of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.
It was 18 October 1993 when our Archbishop, guided by his ardent love for Christ and His Church, entered the monastic life through his tonsure, which took place at the Holy Monastery of St George Epanosifis in Heraklion, Crete. That historic day marked the beginning of a blessed spiritual journey in the Orthodox Church, the culmination of which is his impressive ministry, for the last four and a half years, in the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.
On the occasion of this sacred anniversary, we wish that the All-Good God, through the intercessions of the patron saint of Epanosifis Monastery, St George the Great Martyr, grants His Eminence our Archbishop many years, filled with health, strength and prosperity, so that he may continue to shepherd in a God-pleasing manner, the Greek Orthodox flock of the fifth continent.
From the “Vema” editorial team.