The Vespers of Forgiveness at the Holy Monastery of “Axion Esti” in Northcote, Victoria

On the afternoon of Sunday, March 6, at the Holy Monastery “Axion Esti” of the Archdiocesan District of Northcote, the Lenten Vespers of Forgiveness were celebrated, officiated by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta.
Among the congregation were, among others, the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis, and the Chairman of the Victoria Inter-Community Council, Mr. Antonios Tsourdalakis.
In his sermon, His Grace Bishop Evmenios referred to the great spiritual opportunity that the period of Lent offers to every believer, in order to give meaning to his life and to redefine his relationship with God and fellow human beings.
In particular, His Grace pointed out that what should concern us most as we enter Holy and Great Lent, is how we will find opportunities to reconcile with those who have hurt us or we have hurt them. “This is the true freedom, to know that one has first and foremost got along well with oneself and with the whole world,” he stressed, among other things.
His Grace, Bishop Evmenios also reminded that the spiritual struggle of Lent, and in general of our whole life, is not intended without participation in the Eucharist.
“We do not strive to receive the Holy Communion reward at Easter as a gift only then,” he stressed, noting that Holy Communion is a gift from God that is offered to us every day and we should come and participate often.
In addition, His Grace Bishop Evmenios conveyed to the church the wishes and prayers of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia for a blessed and fruitful Holy and Great Lent.
At the end of the Vespers, clergy and laity exchanged the kiss of love and forgiveness, receiving the blessing of Bishop Evmenios, who on behalf of His Eminence wished everyone a happy Great and Holy Lent.
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