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The Third Service of the Salutations at the Church of Prophet Elijah in Skoutarion, Chalcedon

On Friday, 5 April 2024, in the majestic Holy Church of the Prophet Elijah, which is located in the area of the once thriving Community of Chrysoupolis, today’s Üsküdar of Chalcedon, His Eminence Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon officiated and chanted during the Service of the 3rd Stanza of the Salutations to the Mother of God, the Theotokos.

This church, with its two chapels of considerable size, dedicated to the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to Saint Haralambos, is among the largest Churches of Constantinople and is historically mentioned as being a monastery for the first time in the year 950.

Also present for the Service were the Hierarchical Vicar, His Grace Bishop Smaragdos of Daphnousia, many faithful believers from the district, while the sacred hymns of the service were chanted by the president of the Community, Mr. Evangelos Bazgarlos along with Mr. Lazaros Petsalidis.

Metropolitan Emmanuel spoke to the faithful about the personality of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her offering of multiple benefits to humanity. At the conclusion of the service, according to the tradition held in Constantinople, the local Shepherd distributed flowers to the faithful and individually wished each person well, for the remainder of Holy and Great Lent.