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The Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross at the Theological School of Halki

On the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross, 7 April 2024, in the Chapel of the Theological School of Halki, the Resurrection Matins and Divine liturgy took place, officiated by the Abbot of the Monastery of the Holy Trinity, His Grace Bishop Kassianos of Aravissos. After the Matins Service, according to the custom of the Church, the service of the Veneration of the Holy and Life-giving Cross took place, before the commencement of the Divine Liturgy.

Large groups of students from the Diaspora Greek schools attended the feast day, as well as several pilgrims from various regions of Greece, Russia and Ukraine.

In the evening, the Lenten Vespers were held, after which the Theological School of Halki was visited by students from the area of Thessaloniki, who were given a tour of the School premises.