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The Feast Day of the Synaxis of the Theotokos at the Holy Monastery of the Shepherds in Beit Sahour

For the Feast Day of the Synaxis of the Theotokos and the memory of the Shepherds, a Divine Liturgy was held on Monday, December 26, 2023 / January 8, 2024, in the Village of the Shepherds, in the Holy Monastery of the Synaxis of the Theotokos and the Shepherds. The blessed spiritual Father of the Lavra of Saint Savvas Archimandrite Seraphim renovated the Monastery.

The Liturgy was presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Joachim of Helenoupolis with co-celebrants the Spiritual Father of the Monastery of Saint Savvas Archimandrite Eudokimos, Priests from the neighbouring areas and Hierodeacon Eulogios. The feast was celebrated in contrition and not in solemnity as usual, due to the war situation.

After the Divine Liturgy, light refreshments followed in the rectory offered by the renovator, the gracious and dignified Hegoumen of Beit Jala and this Monastery, Archimandrite Ignatios.

From Secretariat-General

Source: Patriarchate of Jerusalem