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The cutting of the Vasilopita at the Community of Chalcedon

On Sunday morning, 21 January 2024, His Eminence Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon officiated during the Matins and Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Chalcedon, where Protosyncellus Archimandrite Evgenios Karatzas served the Divine Liturgy along with Deacon Asterios Bardakçı.

Many believers attended the church service and at the end His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel spoke appropriately about the gospel passage of the ten lepers, emphasising especially the meaning of gratitude towards our benefactor and Lord.

Afterwards, Elder Metropolitan Emmanuel made his way to the building where the Educational Association of Modi is housed to bless the Vasilopita which was offered with great joy by the Chalcedon Community, the Philoptochos Association and the Educational Association of Modi.

After the President of the Educational Association of Modi, Ms. Mary Tsevik-Symeonidou, warmly welcomed the Metropolitan and his entourage, as well as all those who responded to the invitation, then His Eminence blessed the Vasilopita offered in honour of Saint Basil. After distributing the pieces, he offered his thanks for the invitation, but also expressed his joy for the opportunity given to him to be among the inhabitants of Chalcedon, noting in particular the spirit of unity, love, communication and good cooperation of all those who try to keep the faith and tradition alive in the region through good works.

Then, the ladies of the newly formed choir of the Association added an extra level of joy for the celebratory event by singing New Year’s carols.