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Talk given by Dr Lydia Gore-Jones of St Andrew’s Theological College in “A Journey to Pascha” Series in Melbourne

On Thursday 10 March, 2022, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis attended the second presentation in a series of talks initiated by the District of Melbourne, “Journey to Pascha 2022”.

His Grace thanked the second speaker Dr. Lydia Gore – Jones lecturer at Saint Andrews Theological College in biblical studies for giving her talk on ‘The Exile Of Humanity And Journey Of Return’.

His Grace thanked Parish Priest Fr Panteleimon Laskaris and the Parish of St Constantine & Helen of South Yarra, Victoria, and his committee for their hospitality.

His Grace conveyed the paternal blessings of our Father and Archbishop Makarios of Australia and invited all in attendance to attend our next talk on the 19th of March which will be given at the Parish of the “Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple” North Balwyn, by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia on the Annunciation of the Theotokos.