Synaxis of the Clergy of South Australia presided by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia

A Synaxis Meeting of the clergy serving in the Greek Orthodox parishes of South Australia, took place on Monday, February 28, under the presidence of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia at the Headquarters of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia in Adelaide.
During the Synod, which was also attended by His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, a constructive discussion was held on issues of a spiritual nature, mainly. In his presentation, His Eminence developed the issue of orthodox ecclesiastical ethics and mindset.
His Eminence, making a historical review from antiquity to modern times, presented the consequences created by the lack of ecclesiastical ethics and mindset, while referring extensively to current issues of concern to the world community, such as the landing of the Russians in Ukraine .
“The alteration of orthodox morality arises from the moment we begin to believe that we know everything,” he stressed, adding: “From the moment we begin to believe that we do not need the other in our pastoral activity. When we believe that we are powerful and do not need our neighbour “.
The Archbishop’s speech did not miss the reference to the ongoing pandemic and, as with all major crises, provides the opportunity for circles with zealous and fundamentalist tendencies to find room to deceive and gain a for existance .
His Eminence stressed the importance of not disorienting the people of the Church in such circumstances and to preserve the orthodox ecclesiastical ethos and wisdom, with devotion to the spirit of love, unity and obedience to the synodal decisions.
Finally, His Eminence addressed to everyone cordial and paternal wishes for the new year and for the period of Lent that follows.
It is also worthy to note that during his pastoral visit to Adelaide, Archbishop Makarios elevated Fr. Nikolaos Pavlou and Fr. Stavros Psaromatis to the rank of Protopresbyters, and to Spiritual Fathers (Confessors) Fr Ioannis Choraitis, Fr Christos Tsoraklidis, Fr Konstantinos Skoumbourdis and Fr Efthymios Efthymiou.