Synaxis of Clergy in Archdiocesan District of Melbourne

On Wednesday, 2 March at the Archdiocese Church of St Eustathios, with the blessing of Archbishop Makarios of Australia, a Synaxis was held for the priests of the Archdiocesan District of Melbourne.
The Synaxis began with a prayer service presided over by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos and the cutting of the Vasilopita by His Grace and all the priests together.
His Grace conveyed the blessing and best wishes of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and used his talk as an opportunity to foster friendship, co-operation and brotherly love amongst the clergy of the District. He encouraged the clergy to come together as one family to help and support each other.
During his talk, His Grace also announced that, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and together with Fr Eleftherios parish priest at Panagia Kamariani, Red Hill, the District of Melbourne would begin the project of setting up a Youth Retreat Centre at Red Hill. His Grace called on all priests to support this God-pleasing venture. All were in agreement as to the importance of such a project and offered their full support.