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Sydney: Event dedicated to “St Kosmas of Aetolia” presented by the Greek Orthodox Christian Society (Enosis)

With the blessing of his Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who was represented by the Chancellor of our Holy Archdiocese, the Very Reverend Fr Christophoros Krikelis, the Orthodox Ladies Group of the Greek Orthodox Christian Society performed the ninth concert in its series honouring of the 200th anniversary of the 1821 Greek Revolution on Saturday 27 August at St Euphemia Greek Orthodox College Hall in Sydney.

The concert was entitled ‘St Kosmas of Aetolia’ and presented the life of this illuminator of the Greek Orthodox peoples and ethno-martyr. It narrated his missionary journeys throughout Greece, his sermons and the work he carried out to educate the enslaved Greeks, building schools and preventing the Islamisation of whole communities.

Through a blend of dramatic production, narration, song, dance and Byzantine Chant, the profound faith of the ‘Apostle to the Slaves’ was brought to life and deeply moved those in the audience. Numerous traditional costumes of the regions of Greece, as well as traditional Klepht and Epirotic song and dance forms immersed us in the colourful culture and history of our ancestors.

The toil of St Kosmas paved the way for the Greek revolution.

As Orthodox Christians of Australia we also would like to ask St Kosmas to ‘raise his cross in our hearts’. In other words, to inspire us to learn about the treasure of our Orthodox faith and heritage, to live it truly, and to pass it on to future generations.

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