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Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross from St Nicholas in Canberra

On Sunday, 27 March, 2022,  His Grace Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis visited Canberra and served at the church of St Nicholas for the feast day of the Veneration of the Holy Cross.

His Grace was assisted by Parish Priest Reverend Petros Kipouros. In attendance was the Federal Member of Bean Mr David Smith, the Greek Ambassador Mr Giorgios Papakostas, the High Commissioner of Cyprus Mrs Martha Mavrommatis, Mr Dennis Patisteas OAM from the RSL Branch in Melbourne.

His Grace on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios thanked the distinguished guests and asked that the congregation prays for them. His Grace spoke about the importance of the Cross and how we must venerate it, with desire, faith and joy.

Moreover His Grace once again announced that on Saturday His Eminence will once again visit Canberra and conduct the diaconate ordination of monk Meliton, a young man born and bred in Canberra.

Furthermore His Grace announced to the congregation that we must as local Greeks appreciate the efforts His Eminence goes to for the people of Canberra and that we must appreciate this, as in the past it was rare seeing a Bishop in Canberra.

At the end of the service His Grace conducted a Doxology for the 25th March Greek Independence Day where His, Excellency the Ambassador read a message from the President of the Hellenic Republic.

His Grace together with Fr Petros read an encyclical from His Eminence. Poems by the young Greek school children were then read and lunch was served at the marque at the church where young children displayed their Greek dancing skills.