Saint Stephanos of Saint Savvas Monastery (13 July)
According to some, the Saint Stephen celebrated today was a nephew of Saint John of Damascus, different from the one celebrated on October 28, who later also became a Bishop.
Saint Stephen of Saint Savva’s Monastery, the nephew of Saint John of Damascus (December 4), was born in the year 725. When he was ten years old he entered the Lavra of Saint Savva the Sanctified (December 5) and was tonsured as a monk. He spent his whole life at this monastery, sometimes going out into the desert to live in solitude and devote himself to spiritual struggles.
Saint Stephen’s holy life was so pleasing to God that he was given the gifts of wonderworking and clairvoyance. He also healed the sick, cast out devils, and was able to discern the thoughts of those who came to him for counsel. He fell asleep in the Lord in the year 794, foretelling in advance the day of his death. The Life of Saint Stephen was compiled by his disciple Leontius.
Today’s saint should not be confused with the other Saint Stephen of Saint Savva’s Monastery who is commemorated on October 28.
Stephen was a first cousin of St. John Damascene. He lived a life of asceticism in the Monastery of St. Sava the Sanctified, for which he was surnamed “of St. Sava’s.” He was a great emulator of the life of St. Sava, and a shining star among the monks in Palestine. He reposed in the Lord in the year 794 A.D., in his sixty-ninth year.
Apolytikion of Righteous Stephen
Plagal of the Fourth Tone
You are a guide of Orthodoxy, a teacher of piety and modesty, a luminary of the world, the God inspired pride of monastics. O wise Stephanos, you have enlightened everyone by your teachings. You are the harp of the Spirit. Intercede to Christ our God for the salvation of our souls.
Kontakion of Righteous Stephen
Third Tone
Since thou wast a man of prayer and an ascetic, O Stephen, thou wast pleasing to the Lord, Who crowned thy labours with wonders; having sought the light of Heaven throughout thy whole life, thou dost now rejoice on high, chanting with the Angels. Hence we honour thee with longing, O righteous Father, as an initiate of God.