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Saint George the Confessor, Bishop of Mytilene (7 April)

Saint George, Metropolitan of Mytilene, from his youth led a monastic life, and was especially accomplished in the virtue of humility. In the reign of Leo the Isaurian (716-741) the saint underwent persecution from the iconoclasts and became a Confessor.

During the reign of the emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitos (780-797) Saint George was elevated to the archbishopal cathedra of the city of Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. His life was radiant with prudence and purity and resembled the life of angels. He possessed a gift of wonderworking, cast out unclean spirits and healed incurable diseases. The saint distinguished himself by his compassion, and he helped all the needy. In 815, during the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813-820), the holy archpastor was banished and sent to Cherson, where he died after the year 820.

At the hour of his death a bright star shone in the heavens over the city of Mytilene.

The righteous George struggled in behalf of the holy icons, and reposed in peace about the year 821.

George was chosen and installed as Metropolitan of Mitylene for his great virtues, which he attained through long ascetic labors. This saint governed his spiritual flock prudently and zealously to a great old age. When a persecution began under Leo the Armenian, who destroyed the holy icons, this saintly elder was summoned to Constantinople, to an assembly of bishops, whose intention, at the desire of the emperor, was to put a stop to the veneration of icon. George not only refused to carry out the wish of the wicked emperor, but with other courageous bishops stood up in defense of holy icons. Not only was he mocked for this, but he was also exiled by the emperor to the region of Cherson. There he endured all sorts of physical afflictions and deprivations for the remaining years of his life. He reposed and entered into eternal life in about the year 816 A.D. Because of his great sanctity and love for the Lord Jesus, George was a great miracle-worker, both during his life and after his death.

Apolytikion of George, Bishop of Mytilene

Third Tone

As a garden planted by the Spirit, thou didst yield as fruit the soul’s salvation, teaching men the ineffable mysteries of Him that fell as a grain of wheat in the earth and by His dying hath made all the world to live. Righteous Father George, entreat Christ our God in our behalf, that His great mercy may be granted unto us.

Kontakion of George, Bishop of Mytilene

Plagal of the Fourth Tone

As a true husbandman of grace and godly piety, who wast thyself the Holy Spirit’s sacred husbandry, thou didst cultivate the plants of exalted wisdom; and in worshipping the icons of Christ and His Saints, thou didst pull up by the roots the tares of heresy. Hence we cry to thee: Rejoice, O God-bearing Father George.

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