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Patriarchate of Jerusalem: Decisions of the Holy Synod for the session of 11 April 2024

The Holy Synod was convened on Thursday, 11 April 2024, at the Jerusalem Patriarchate, and was chaired by His Beatitude the Patriarch of the Holy City, Theophilos III, and attended by members of the Holy Synod.

His Beatitude discussed with the members of the Synod several issues related to ecclesiastical and pastoral administrative affairs that serve the Patriarchate, monasteries, churches, the clergy, and the communities. His Beatitude also briefed the members of the Holy Synod on the preparations for the Holy Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, wishing all the members of the Holy Church in all parts of the Holy Patriarchal See of Jerusalem a blessed continuation of the Holy Fast and an acceptable spiritual effort, to enter into the Pascha joy with bliss.

The fathers of the Holy Synod also offered prayers, asking for the rest of the soul of late Archimandrite Theodoretos, the spiritual head of the Monastery of Saint Simeon in Qatamon. They also discussed the current situation in Gaza and the Monastery of Saint Porphyrius in light of the painful events, as His Beatitude spoke about the role played by the Patriarchate despite the difficult circumstances.

His Beatitude and the Holy Synod also reviewed the report submitted by the representative of the Patriarchate in Constantinople, His Eminence Archbishop Nectarios of Anthedon, regarding the repairs and renovations that took place in some monasteries and shrines belonging to the Jerusalem Patriarchate in Constantinople. His Beatitude and the Holy Synod also reviewed the financial report submitted by Archimandrite Raphael, Exarch of the Holy Sepulchre in Athens. In addition to the attached report regarding the results of the recent conference of heresies that was held in Greece.

His Beatitude and the Fathers of the Holy Synod were also briefed on what was presented by His Eminence Metropolitan Timotheos of Vostra, Exarch of the Holy Sepulchre in Cyprus, as a result of his participation on behalf of His Beatitude and the Church of Jerusalem in the funeral of the late Patriarch of Sofia and all Bulgaria, the blessed Neophyte.

In addition, His Beatitude made the following appointments:
– Appointment of Archimandrite Ironimos, the Patriarchal Vicar in Madaba, as a member of the Holy Synod.
– Appointment of Archimandrite Christodoulos as the Abbot of the Monastery of the Holy Cross.
– Appointment of Deacon Simeon as supervisor of the Monastery of Saint Simon in Qatamon.

His Beatitude also highlighted the importance of the pastoral role of the clergy and the spiritual responsibility placed on them towards their spiritual children in these difficult times that we are experiencing.

His Beatitude also directed the Fathers of the Holy Synod, and through them all the clergy in the Jerusalem Patriarchal See, to work for the care of souls in a spirit of responsibility that stems from zeal. An active love for the true contribution to the building and renaissance of the Church, and the preservation of the unity of the complementary relationship between the members of the Body of Christ, as well as the importance of their awareness of their spiritual and leadership role towards the Church and its children and their tireless endeavor to achieve their priestly mission as faithful servants of the Lord the Savior.

In conclusion, His Beatitude and the Fathers of the Holy Synod offered prayers and supplications to our compassionate God to bestow His peace upon our Holy Land and strengthen the souls of the believers with His Holy Spirit and bestow upon them His rich mercies.

Source: Patriarchate of Jerusalem