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Patras commemorated the memory of Saint Andrew the Apostle

On Thursday, 30 November 2023, The Founder and Protector of the Church of Patras, Saint Andrew the Apostle, the First-Called, was celebrated with special ecclesiastical splendour.

Thousands of people throughout the night, but also during the Divine Liturgy, flooded the Church and its surroundings to venerate the relics of the Saint and his Holy Cross.

His Eminence Metropolitan Theoklitos of Ierissos presided over the Matins Service of the feast, while His Eminence Metropolitan Ierotheos of Nafpaktos presided over the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia preached the Holy Sermon touching on contemporary problems and the modern social situation.

Their Eminences, Metropolitan Ierotheos of Nafpaktos, Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Chalkida, Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia, Metropolitan Athanasios of Ilia, Metropolitan Theoklitos of Ierissos, Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Mani, Metropolitan Ieronymos of Kalavryta, Metropolitan Damaskinos of Aetolia, His Grace Bishop Chrysanthos of Kernitsa and Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Patras concelebrated the Divine Liturgy.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the Doxology was performed, during which Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Patras closed with a theological reference to the Apostle Andrew and a warm supplication to God, thanking the Holy Hierarchs for their participation in the Feast Day events and finally offering his blessings and wishes to the large crowd of pious Christians, who had come to participate in the feast and receive the blessing of Saint Andrew.

The Government was represented by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Christina Alexopoulou, while the authorities participated, at local and regional levels, Political, Military, Armed Forces, Educational, Judicial, etc., students of all levels of Education, local associations, and many others.
