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Greek Parliament Speaker denounces ‘barbarous’ invasion

Greek Parliament Speaker Konstantinos Tasoulas denounced Russia’s “barbaric and unprovoked” invasion of Ukraine and stressed the need for “the European Union, by protecting its society and strengthening its defense, to be a guarantor of stability, security and prosperity.”

In a teleconference speech at the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments held in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana, on Tuesday, Tasoulas rebuked Russian President Vladimir Putin for challenging the European security architecture, the national status and self-determination of Ukraine “in the name of the living space of his supposedly threatened country.”

“What does President Putin have in store for Ukraine? Is it something similar to Cyprus, where since the invasion of Turkey in 1974 there has been a Turkish occupation army in the northern part of the island, despite the repeated UN resolutions to the contrary?” he asked.