Official opening and blessing of the only Church in Greece dedicated to Saint Bassa

In Edessa, Greece, the place of the venerable martyrdom of Saint Bassa, the Thyranoixia (opening) of the Holy Church dedicated the Saint, took place with splendor, as well as the celebratory divine services for the memory of Saint Bassa and her three children, Theognios, Agapios and Pistos.
The Thyranoixia of the newly built Holy Church was held on Saturday, August 20, 2022, in the afternoon. The Agiasmos of the Thyranoixia ceremony was performed by Metropolitan Pavlos of Servia and Kozani as well as the the local Metropolitan Joel of Edessa, Pelli and Almopia.
This was followed by the Festal Hierarchical Vespers, presided over by the Metropolitan of Servia and Kozani and concelebrated by the local Metropolitan. The homily was preached by His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlos of Servia and Kozani who emphasised that the weapon of the Church is the Cross and pointed out: “Saint Bassa gave herself to Christ from her childhood and raised her children in a christian way. That is why they were able to withstand the torture. They followed the commandment “be ye holy” and sanctify yourself.
His Eminence Metropolitan Joel of Edessa, Pelli and Almopia also spoke at the vespers, referring to the history of the reconstruction of the Holy Church and praising all those who participated in its completion. In fact, he especially thanked the main donor of the Holy Church, Mr. Alexandros Hatzigiannis.
On the day of the feast, Sunday, August 21, the Orthros and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlos of Servia and Kozani , and co-celebrant His Eminence Metropolitan Joel of Edessa, Pelli and Almopia. In his sermon, Metropolitan Pavlos developed the meaning of the Gospel passage, emphasising the importance of faith and fasting. He also refered to the Holy person of Saint Bassa as a model for the faithful of our time.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, there was also the blessing of the Kollyva of Saint Bassa and her children.
A large number of clergy and believers participated in the divine services, while the authorities were represented by the Members of the local government of Pella, G. Karasmanis, D. Stamenitis and T. Tzakri, the Deputy Governor of Pella I. Tzamtzis, the Mayor of Edessa D. Yiannou, the General Commander of the 2nd MK Division, the Police Director of Pella and other representatives of local authorities and agencies.
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