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NSW records 882 new local coronavirus cases and two deaths

New South Wales has reported 882 new local cases of COVID-19 and two deaths, as the government unveils its back-to-school plan for term four.

The two deaths include that of a man in his 60s, which was reported yesterday, and a man in his 90s. Both had received one vaccine dose.

It takes the death toll for the current outbreak to 81.

The number of cases that were infectious in the community was not immediately clear.

There are currently 767 COVID-19 cases in NSW in hospital, with 117 in intensive care beds and 47 on ventilators, NSW Health said.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian on Friday also revealed that HSC exams for Year 12 students in 2021 would be pushed back to 9 November.

She said all people working on school campuses must also be vaccinated by 8 November.

It comes as the Pfizer jab is officially approved for use by Australian health authorities in children aged 12 to 15.

“We assume that will be done in September, so that is also a pleasing development to give everybody that extra degree of comfort, and we are really looking forward to transitioning children back to face-to-face learning,” Ms Berejiklian told reporters.
