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Northcote: Visit of students from Oakleigh Grammar College to the Greek Welfare Center and the Archdiocese Bookcentre

On Wednesday morning the 6th April year 7 students from Oakleigh Grammar visited the Greek Welfare Centre of our Archdiocese to offer food donations that were collected as part of their curriculum for the annual Easter Appeal. The students also offered some of their time to prepare the food hampers for delivery.

His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta welcomed the students with great joy expressing to them his gratitude for their participation in the Easter Appeal.

His Grace also gave the students a Tour of the Archdiocese bookcentre, offering the students an icon as a gift on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia. His Grace also conveyed to the students our Archbishops paternal love and prayers for a blessed Pascha feast.

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