Northcote: Visit from High Commisioner of Cyprus in Australia

On Saturday 9th April His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, received in His District a visit from the High Commisioner of Cyprus in Australia, Mrs Martha Mavrommatis.
During their meeting His Grace organised a tour for Ms Mavromati of the most historical gems of our Archdiocese in the District of Northcote, the parish of St John in Carlton and the seat of the District,the Holy Monastery of Axion Esti where the offices of the Archdioces, the Welfare Centre and the book shop is located.
His Grace conveyed the blessings to the High Commisioner of Cyprus from His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and on His behalf offered her an icon of the Virgin Mary as a gift.
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