Northcote: Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers, St John the Theologian and International Mother’s day

On the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearers and the memory of Saint John the Theologian, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta at the Church of Panagia Soumela in the suburb of East Keilor, Victoria, especially because inside the Church of Panagia Soumela there is a Chapel dedicated to Saint John the Theologian.
On Saturday, May 7, His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta officiated at the Vespers of Saturday at the Chapel of Saint John the Theologian with the participation of Clergy of the Archdiocesan District of Northcote.
On Sunday, May 8, the day of the feast, His Grace officiated at Matins and presided over the Holy Divine Liturgy.
In His Grace’s sermon, He shared two thoughts with the congregation. One thought had to do with Saint John the Theologian and specifically with something he said to his students on a daily basis.
“Beloved Children, love one other” when his students at some point asked him why he says only that and he did not teach them anything else, he answered them because this is the command of God and that is enough.
His Grace also pointed out that many times people engage with many different resources in order to find a relationship with God but nothing can bring us into perfect communication with God except our love for fellow human beings.
The second thought that His Grace Bishop Evmenios shared with the congregation had to do with the experience of the Myrrh-bearing Women. When the Myrrh-bearers went to the tomb and saw there the Angel who announced the message of the Resurrection, he told them to go and tell the apostles and Peter.
Why did the Angel refer to Peter separately? Peter at that time was in a miserable condition, he had denied Christ three times over the recent days and he was greatly ashamed and depressed and his friends other Apostles were at a distance from him.
The Angel, by mentioning him separately, wanted to remind us again of the infinite love of God and that the message of the Resurrection is for all, and all regardless, have the opportunity with repentance and forgiveness to remain in this joy.
Finally, His Grace Bishop Evmenios conveyed the Paschal blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and on the occasion of International Mother’s Day wished all mothers and women in general many years, saying that a mother is not only the one who brings a child into the world but the one who brings affection and love to all the world.
His Grace Bishop Evmenios then distributed Mother’s Day flowers to all the Women on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and invited them all for a commemorative photo.
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