Northcote: Great Hierarchical Vespers in honour of St Savvas of Kalymnos

On Saturday evening the 9th April at The Transfiguration of the Lord in Thomastown, Great Vespers was held in honour of St Savvas of Kalymnios. The vespers was presided by His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta.
This is the second year the feast is celebrated in such a manner in the District of Northcote. The initiative to celebrate and honour St Savvas was given birth my the President of the Kalymnian Brotherhood in Victoria Mr. Jim Tseros and the family of Fr Synesios Frangos parish priest and St Anthony in Sunshine, who are from the Island of Kalymnos themself.
His Grace, on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia thanked the Kalymnian Brotherhood for this initiative and honour tonbe able to celebrate this great and recent Saint in the District of Northcote.
His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta in His sermon mentioned various miracles the Saint has performed in recent time to many who have asked his help. He asked from all present that they continue to pray to St Savvas because he truelly is a great Saint that intercedes for us all.
In conclusion His Grace conveyed to all the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia for a joyous Pascha ahead.
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