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Northcote: Feast Day Celebrations at the Holy Church of Saint Nicholas, Yarraville

His Grace Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta, Archiepiscopal Vicar of Northcote, who represented His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, presided over the Divine Services on the occasion of the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, The Wonderworker, at the celebrating same-name Church in the suburb of Yarraville, Melbourne.

Specifically, His Grace Bishop Evmenios officiated at the Great Vespers on Monday, 5 December 2022, on the eve of the feast, while the Divine Liturgy took place on the feast day, Tuesday, 6 December 2022.

His Grace Bishop Evmenios, after conveying to the faithful the wishes of their Shepherd, with whom they had the opportunity to communicate during the recent consecration of the Church, on Saturday, 3 December 2022, spoke about the person of one of the most popular Saints of our Church, focusing first on his immense love and the rich charitable works he accomplished.

His Grace even referred to the event in which a poor father, unable to provide for his family, was preparing to corrupt his daughters in order to secure money. “When this came to the notice of Saint Nicholas,” he explained, “instead of judging and accusing him, he went every day and secretly left money at his door. Finally, the Saint saved the father from the situation he was in, but also the daughters from a prodigal life.”

Finally, in view of the great feast day of Christmas, His Eminence called the faithful to imitate the example of the patron of their Parish and to turn their attention to the needs of their neighbours. “As soon as we perceive the pain or a problem of our fellow man, we are responsible for him and we must help him,” he pointed out.

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