New Orthodox clergy in the Diocese of Rwanda
With the blessing and permission of His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodors of Alexandria and All Africa, over the two days of 29-30 June 2024, the Diocese of Rwanda experienced many ordinations of new Orthodox Clergy.
On Saturday, 29 June 2024, at the celebrating Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, His Grace Bishop Chrysostomos of Bukoba and Western Tanzania and Patriarchal Commissioner of the Holy Diocese of Rwanda ordained Mr. Maximus Tutanambazi Donat to the holy diaconate, Father Vasilios Ufitimana Protogene to the priesthood and Reader Mr. Nektarios Kalisa Gerard to the subdiaconate.
On Sunday, 30 June 2024, at the newly built Church of St. Paisius, Rwabitazi, His Grace ordained Mr. Stefanos Izabayo Gilbert as a Deacon, Father Paisios Zikanabahari Theogene as Presbyter and Mr. John Niyimbaye Jankies as a subdeacon.
These clerics will heal the wounds created by the Russian schismatics, taking six priests and a deacon from the small Rwandan Church into their schism.
Bishop Chrysostomos urged them “to multiply the flock entrusted to them by Christ, with pastoral work and Mission, for which the Church has rewarded them”.