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More Provocations by Turkey: 3D show over Hagia Sophia on the day of the Fall of Constantinople

Turkey escalates tension with its provocations against Greece. Last night, a 3D show took place over Hagia Sophia for the Fall of Constantinople.

“Hagia Sophia is the heart of the world and the voice of the Imam will always be heard,” the Turks say.

“He marched towards Constantinople without fear with his heart on fire for the conquest. Along with his holy army he would either fall dead or become the Conqueror. He raised the flag right in the middle of Constantinople and it still flutters.

He also sounded the muezzin in Hagia Sophia. With your magic, with your pride, with your whimsicality, with your Keratius and your Marmara, with your Bosphorus, with your sight on the Hagia Sophia, which is the heart of the world and here the Imam’s call to prayer will never be silenced. Constantinople will forever be praised by the name of the Conqueror.”

According to a report by, President Erdogan said in front of thousands of Turks attending the celebrations that today’s Turks should put modern Byzantines in the dustbin of history, as “our ancestors buried Byzantium” and referred to the 2053 vision of a great Turkey.

More specifically, “Turks must be united because the national interests of the country are more important than politics. Just as our ancestors buried Byzantium, let us hope that today, by building our vision for 2053, we will be able to put today’s Byzantines, who are intriguing against us, in the dustbin of history.”

The Turkish president appeared as a protector of the underprivileged peoples everywhere, saying that in this context the special military campaigns in Syria and Libya are taking place.

“We are saying stop to Libya, Syria, Iraq, the Mediterranean and the Aegean,” the Turkish president provocatively stressed, while on the war in Ukraine he said that “we are saying stop to Crimea.”

Erdogan did not fail to mention Mehmed the Conqueror, who “did not only take Constantinople. He conquered Serbia, Morea, Athens, Danubian Principalities, Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania. He is also the Conqueror of the Aegean and Mediterranean islands so that the Ottomans can have a voice there.”
