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Metropolitan of Kyiv: With God’s help, we will defeat the new Antichrist Putin

“With God’s help, we will defeat the enemy, we will defeat the new Antichrist Putin, who has decided to destroy the Ukrainian people. But we must not fall, we must continue to be spiritually strong,” said Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine in his sermon.

The Metropolitan of Kyiv prayed for the liberation of Ukraine from the foreign invasion.

During the service, prayers were also heard for the soldiers defending Ukraine, for the government and the people, and for the repose of the souls of those who fell for their homeland.

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, the Primate of the Church of Ukraine preached a sermon.

As he stressed, the Ukrainian people have been tested by the war, which they will win.

“God and St. George support us in this struggle, from which we will emerge as winners. And these trials will make us stronger spiritually,” said Epiphanios.

He continued: ” This is why we must fight, pray and do everything in our power to preserve this great gift of freedom, to consolidate it, and to transmit it to future generations.”

“With God’s help we will defeat the enemy, we will defeat the new Antichrist, Putin, who has decided to destroy the Ukrainian people”, he stated.

“Knowing the history, analyzing it, taking lessons from it, we must fight to the end. We will defeat the enemy, we will restore our territorial integrity, we will regain the occupied territories, and in our united, independent, democratic, European Ukraine, we will build a common future. And this future is now in our hands,” concluded Metropolitan Epifaniy.

The Divine Liturgy was also attended by soldiers of the 59th Motorized Infantry Brigade from Kherson, whom he blessed.

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