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Metropolitan Epiphaniy: Russia is intentionally mocking the mechanisms of the U.N. and OSCE

Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine appealed to the international community to make every effort and take action to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In an interview with Greek public television, he revealed that he was targeted by the Russian forces and that there were three attempts against him, which were neutralized.

Read below the appeal of The Primate of The Orthodox of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epifaniy

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

My appeal today is dedicated the the bleeding, painful and severe wound on the body of our Nation – the peaceful population, which is suffering due to the Russian aggression.

Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel and many other cities and villages in the Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Donets and Luhansk oblasts, in Kherson, Zhytomyr, Mykolaiv and other regions of Ukraine, are under the barbaric daily attack of the Russian armed forces. They are utilizing rocket and bomb attacks from the air as well as conventional artillery.

The enemy is intentionally ruining the infrastructure, destroying civilian dwellings and is killing and terrorizing the peaceful population. Recent announcements and agreements have only today begun to allow for so-called “ green corridors” in certain cities to allow for the movement of refugees and allow the delivery of products, medicine and water.

Especially awful is the situation in Mariupol, which is blocked by Russian forces.

I understand that there is no practical sense in addressing the Russian occupiers, so I only wish to inform them , for all of the spilled blood, for the suffering and tears, for the ruined lives, each of them will personally have to answer before God and will receive as promised by God, no mercy and eternal suffering for their crimes and unmerciful actions.

So today, I am reaching out to our international circle of friends: the Ukrainian people would like to understand, why is there a system of international law, why do the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe exist, why are the words “Never Again” reiterated every May 8th? Today the legal forms are being trampled, Russia is intentionally mocking the mechanisms of the U.N. and OSCE, and all that we have read and heard from the witnesses of World War II in Europe is occurring again.

Therefore, I on behalf of the thousands of people living in Mariupol, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Hostomel, Irpin, Bucha and others, who are continue to be murdered by Russian armed forces, am raising my voice and I call upon all nations and international institutions to: TAKE ACTION! Take action so that Russia immediately stops the barbaric ruination of Ukrainian cities, villages and their population.

With pain in my heart, I raise prayers for the casualties of Russian national terrorism, I ask that God, His Mother the Virgin Mary and all the saints, provide them help, protection and defense. I pray for the souls of the innocent who have perished. I ask that all people of good will join in these prayers.

Let Almighty God, as The Righteous Judge, look at the suffering Ukrainian Nation and bring his judgement on the unmerciful murderers! Let the anger of God and inescapable retribution that is promised to these lost souls be upon them!

I wish the Ukrainian armed forces, The President our Nation and all of its people, with the help of God, to reach victory over the aggressor and true peace.

O Great God Eternal! For us Ukraine do protect!
