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Metropolitan Epifaniy in the city of Bucha: The executioners brought hell to our land

Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine visited the city of Bucha, which is at the center of the international community for the atrocities against civilians that came to light after the withdrawal of the Russian army.

Metropolitan Epifaniy performed a memorial service at the local Church of St. Andrew, for the Ukrainians who were tortured and executed in the city.

“The body refuses to move, the eyes refuse to see, and the brain refuses to realize everything that happened. The executioners brought hell to our land. The racists have turned our, until recently, hospitable land into a really burnt desert.”

In his message, the Metropolitan of Kyiv stressed: “I will remind again the executioners who killed our fellow citizens: for the life they chose, for the blood spilled, for all the suffering and tears they caused, each of them will give a personal speech before God and receive the punishment promised by the Lord.

And before that, anyone who is brought to justice will be punished according to the laws of the civilized world.”

Metropolitan Epifaniy concluded by praying for the peace of the souls of all those who lost their lives in this savage war.

“May the Lord rest their souls in the Kingdom of Heaven among the righteous.”
