Message of the Archbishop of Australia for International Mother’s Day

Love without limits and conditions!
Love that is selfless and sacrificial!
Infinite and unlimited love, from the beginning to the end!
We bring to mind, today, with these few words that are, of course, impossible to fully describe the greatness of maternal devotion, the person who became God’s co-creator in giving us the divine gift of life, that warm embrace that was offered to us as a safe refuge from when we first entered the world, the venerable person that sculpted our soul and character, and guided, enlivened and inspired our steps.
Whether she is near or far away, the mother figure has defined, and continues to unceasingly define, the life of each and every one of us. Maybe because, by sacrificing her “self”, a mother wondrously transfuses to her children, a very part of her self.
It is our duty to her, but also our duty to ourselves, to show our love and gratitude by every appropriate means, every day of the year.
I would like to wish all mothers, ‘many blessed years’ and evoke them to have as a model, but also as their companion in difficulties, the All-Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God and the Mother of us all.