Message of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia regarding the floods in Southeastern QLD and Northern NSW

My beloved friends and children,
With this message, I take the opportunity of communicating with you, in order to extend my paternal love and blessings during this distressful situation that you are facing with the floods and the “major weather event”.
I assure you that we are by your side and share your heartache. You are not alone! I urge you to remain strong in the Lord for it is in adversity, that we prove who we are. Do not lose hope and rest assured that we are united in prayer for God to alleviate this ordeal and for the rains to ease. Our Lord is not absent; He is not deaf to our pleas and, so, with firm trust in His love, we turn to our heavenly Father and beseech His mercy to be poured richly upon us.
It is my sincere hope and eager expectation that I will be with you soon. God bless you all.