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Melbourne: The official commemoration of the 81st anniversary of the Battle of Crete

On Sunday, May 22, the official Doxology took place at the Cathedral of Saint Efstathios in the suburb of South Melbourne, officiated by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis for the 81st Anniversary of the Battle of Crete.

His Grace Bishop Kyriakos cordially welcomed the National Armed Forces and in particular its Deputy Chief of General Staff of National Defense, Rear Admiral Ioannis Drymousis, Squadron Leader Miltiadis Militsis and the Greek Military Attaché to Australia, Colonel Ioannis Fasianos.


A memorial service was held at the Shrine of Remembrance, where His Eminence Metropolitan Ezekiel of Dervis laid a wreath at the Shrine of Remembrance.

The memorial service was organised by the Coordinating committee in Memory of the Battle of Crete and Greece and was honoured by the presence of the Greek and Australian Armed Forces. In his speech, Captain Ainsley Morthorpe stressed the close friendship that unites the two peoples who allied themselves against fascism.

Organisations, associations, community organisations and schools paid tribute to the Australian, New Zealand and Greek soldiers by laying wreaths. The State Government was represented by MP Mr. Lee Tarlamis.

On behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, His Eminence Metropolitan Ezekiel of Dervis laid a wreath at the memorial. A ceremony followed at the Greek-Australian Monument where the Consul General of Greece Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis offered a short greeting for the commemoration of the day.


On Sunday at noon, the Pan-Cretan Union of Melbourne and the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne, under the auspices of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand and the Memorial Council of the Battle of Crete and Greece, organised a formal Memorial Lunch in honour of the remaining veterans and their families. The presence of the Veteran Mr Charlie Parrott, who fought in the Battle of Crete, was quite touching and moving.


The President of the Coordinating Council of the Battle of Crete and Greece, Mr. Papadimitriou presented an honorary medal to Mr. Parrott. The Holy Archdiocese of Australia was represented by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, while the State Government was represented by MP Mr. Lee Tarlamis. Greetings were addressed by the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr. Emmanuel Kakavelakis, Deputy Chief of General Staff of National Defense, Rear Admiral Ioannis Drymousis, the President of the World Council of Crete, Mr. Yiannis Nikolakakis, the President of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand, Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis and the President of the Coordinating Council of the Battle of Crete and Greece, Mr. Dimitris Papadimitriou.