Melbourne: The anniversary of Greek Independence Day was honoured by the students of Oakleigh Grammar School

For another year the students of the Greek Orthodox School “Oakleigh Grammar” in Melbourne honoured with pride and respect the National Anniversary of the Greek Revolution of 1821, participating in all the festivities organised by various parish organisations.
On Sunday, March 20, a delegation of ten students attended the official Doxology held at Saint Eustathios Church in the suburb of South Melbourne, accompanied by their teachers.
With the flags of Greece and Australia, the students attended the Memorial Service for the heroes of the Greek Revolution, which was officiated with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, accompanied by their Graces, Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta.
The students then went to the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, where they paid tribute to those who fought valiantly for the liberation of Greece in 1821.
Also present at the Memorial Serevice was the Principal of the school, Mr Mark Robertson, as well as the Chairman of the Steering Committee, Mr Christos Damatopoulos.
The Memorial Service was organised by the Victoria National Anniversary Committee. It was a great opportunity for the students to be in such a Sacred Place for Australia and to honor our National Polygenesis, raising the flags of their two homelands.
On the day of the National Anniversary of Greek Independence, on Friday, March 25, student delegations met at various events to honour with respect the great national holiday of the Greek Nation.
Specifically, the students of the Year 12 attended the ceremony of the Raising of the Greek flag that took place in Federation Square, which is located in the heart of the city of Melbourne.
This year’s event was organised by the Victoria National Anniversary Committee. The students admired the eight Greek flags that were waving in the heart of Melbourne. The event ended with the students singing the National Anthems of both Greece and Australia.
Also, The students then went to the Australian-Greek Monument where they had the opportunity to attend the special ceremony organised by the Hellenic RSL Branch.
Students Anastasia Konstantinidis and Gregory Milonas laid a wreath on behalf of the “Oakleigh Grammar” school.
A wreath-laying ceremony followed at the Shrine of Remembrance, where students Georgianna Petridi and Gregory Milonas paid their respects to the heroes who struggled and fought in 1821 by laying a wreath.
A second delegation of students attended the Divine Liturgy and the Doxology performed at the Holy Saint’s Anargyroi Church in Oakleigh, Melbourne.
The school choir participated in the Divine Liturgy by singing the hymns of the day.
At the end of the Doxology, the students had prepared a small festive program, where they read the history of the day and recited poems dedicated to the national commemoration and the Annunciation of the Theotokos.
The parishioners were moved to see the youth actively participating in the celebrations of our great National Anniversary of 1821.
The festive week ended with students from the Oakleigh Grammar school attending the official Doxology, on Sunday, March 27, which took place at the Holy Monastery of “Axion Esti” in the suburb of Northcote.
This was followed by the laying of wreaths at the monument that exists in the courtyard. The event was organised by the Panhellenic Association of Greek Retired Veterans in Australia.
The leader of the student body, Christos Tsiagalos, laid a wreath on behalf of the entire school community.
Ms Natasha Spanou, Head of the Student Representative Council and Greek Culture committee, warmly congratulated all those of the Oakleigh Grammar School who actively participated in the various community events this year, paying tribute to all those who fought to have a free Greece today.