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Melbourne: Saint Panteleimon Church, Dandenong raises $35,000 for Orthodox Mission in Sierra Leonne

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia and under the guidance of His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, the Parish-Community of Saint Panteleimon in Dandenong hosted a fundraiser for the missionary work in Sierra Leonne led by His Grace Bishop Themistocles of Nicopolis which raised $35,000.

Bishop Themistocles presided in the hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Following the Divine Liturgy, parishioners were invited in the adjacent hall for the fundraiser.

Bishop Themistocles presented two videos about the Orthodox missionary work in Sierra Leonne. The Orthodox mission in Sierra Leonne provide free meals, health care, medicine, and education for poor children. Every night for Vespers, 600 children attend. They also run an orphanage and help those afflicted by the civil war in Sierra Leonne.

Following the presentation, a fundraiser was held which raised $35,000 to help the continual growth of the mission.

The guests were treated to light refreshments provided by Saint Panteleimon Church.