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Melbourne: ‘Five Loaves’ initiative is expanding to Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Market

As of late 2021, the numbers of people with no income, seeking emergency relief was more than double pre-pandemic levels  (Victorian Council of Social Services 05/2022).

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Markarios, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis with members of the Five Loaves Volunteers visited Eleni Andrianakis at the Queen Victoria Market. Eleni will be joining forces with the Five Loaves Team. Eleni is a qualified psychiatric nurse who has dedicated herself twice a week for the last six years to helping the homeless, disadvantaged and marginalised in our community. Eleni not only provides meals but also has a medical van offering medical care once a week.

The people in this location can exceed over 80 people at any one time. The neglect that these people are facing was clear and obvious.

With the growing need in this location, His Grace Bishop Kyriakos with the Five Loaves Volunteers will extend their assistance to provide hot nutritious meals for this community.

This week our dedicated volunteers cooked up delicious fried rice, baked chicken and potatoes accompanied with a favourite Greek dessert rizogalo, fresh fruit and snacks. Meals were also distributed to several crisis centres.

Please support us to continue help those less fortunate by considering a donation.

ACC Name:  Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Central Filoptohos

BSB: 083-419

ACCOUNT: 60-652-9777

Please reference “Five Loaves” and your surname

Please also contact us for more information if you or anyone you know would like to sponsor our program.

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