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Melbourne: Church of “The Three Hierarchs” raises funds for the parish transformation project at packed event.

On Sunday, 10 July 2022 with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and under the guidance of His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis, the Holy Church of ‘The Three Hierarchs’ Clayton Parish Priest Father Haralambos, Parish President Dimitri Tsitsikas, the Ladies of the Philoptochos hosted a reconnection and fundraising night at Oakleigh Grammar School Hall in Oakleigh, Melbourne Victoria.

His Grace Bishop Kyriakos attended to support the parish’s fundraising effort to transform the Church and facilities on the Knight St, Clayton site.

The bishop was heartened by the turnout with guests representing other parishes from across Melbourne. His Grace commented that through a spirit of helpfulness and unity between parishes the Church as a whole body can progress forward something which was shown at the fundraising event. He also passed on the paternal blessings and love from His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.

Following His address, Bishop Kyriakos spent a considerable amount of time walking around to every table and connecting with those in attendance, especially the youth and children present who were very happy at the love and support shown by his Grace. He then handed gifts to the children present at the event.

It was announced that experienced architects have been selected from Greece who understand design requirements for Melbourne Churches. The event was driven by Mrs Georgia Stelas with the guidance and immense support of Felicia Leonardou which culminated in an incredible evening which was the first major event held to raise funds for the Parish’s transformation project that has been decades in the making.

Blessed with a strong turnout of more than 250 people who came to support The Parish’s first major event since the Pandemic began in early 2020, it was unfortunate, however organisers had to turn away groups who arrived impromptu on the night such was the excitement surrounding the event.

Those in attendance were treated to a vast selection of foods in a tavern themed degustation menu. More than $30,000 was raised to help transform Three Hierarchs Church in Clayton.

The feedback received on the night and post the event has left no doubt amongst organisers that the next event will be even bigger and better.

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