Many pilgrims attend feast day at the Church of the Holy Archangels at Mantamados in Lesvos

With splendour and with the participation of a large number of believers, the two-day celebrations of Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 April, the annual brilliant celebration, on the occasion of the anniversary of the consecration of the Holy Church of the Archangels, took place in Mantamados, Lesvos.
Following the noble invitation of His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Methymni, His Eminence Metropolitan Theologos of Serres and Nigrita, journeyed to the holy Pilgrimage of Mantamados, in order to participate in the devotional celebratory services, which were also held in an atmosphere of celebration this year, in honour of The Archangel Michael.
More specifically, on Saturday, 29 April 2023, the Great Festive Vespers were held, presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Eleftheroupolis, and con-celebrated along with Metropolitan Iakovos of Mytilini, Eressos and Plomarion, Metropolitan Theologos of Serres and Nigrita, and the resident Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Methymni.
On the Sunday of the “Myrrhbearers”, April 30, a Poly-Hiearchical Divine Liturgy took place in the Holy Pilgrimage, which was presided over by His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Mytilini, Eressos and Plomarion, joined also by Metropolitan Theologos of Serres and Nigrita, Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Eleftheroupolis and Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Methymnis.
The divine word was preached inspiringly by His Eminence Metropolitan Theologos of Serres and Nigrita, who offered powerful thoughts to the crowded congregation, beneficial and spiritually supportive, referring to the testimony of love and the “outburst” of faith, as this was expressed, once again, with the impressive and moving, massive participation of the faithful in the holy celebration of Archangel Michael, underlining among others the following: “Every person with the power of love, who is founded on faith in the resurrected Christ, can overcome all difficulties. Christian love is the sacrificial, inventive, discerning, giving, noble, unselfish, humble movement of the human heart, inflamed primarily by divine love.
Without the sign of faith in Christ, love easily turns into a lacklustre altruism, without essential depth, into a multitasking activism, which does not give real meaning and fullness to our soul. Without love we cannot see the face of God, because “God is love”.
On this truth rests the certainty of our Church, which is understood and acts in the world as a communion of faith, love and deification, for the power of the intercessory prayers, first of all, of the Lady Theotokos, of the miraculous Archangel Michael and of all the incorporeal heavenly powers, the saints of our Church, but also of one in favour of the other, as members of the Church of Christ.
We are supported, we are inspired, we are graced, we are beseeched by the interdependence of faith, prayer and love, which we experience in our Church, where “with all the saints” we live the mystery of communion with God, of our salvation in Christ and through Christ. With the strength of our faith in God, with trust in His loving providence and the strong protection of the Great Archangel Michael, prudent, united, we also overcame this test of the difficult pandemic.
The day calls us all today, to experience the Resurrection of our Lord as a Spring-time of life, as a spiritual revolution and resistance to that which uglies and de-sanctifies man, as proof of our love for our fellow man and as an expression of our testimony in the world. Our faith is life that conquers death.
This is how we have always travelled under God’s protection, orthodoxly and communally we have lived and prospered. This country advances, lives, is reborn, thanks to the miracle. Many Years to you all, may they be blessed, resurrectional, illumined by the grace of our Lord and the strong protection of the Archangel Michael!”.
Before the dismissal of the Divine Liturgy, the traditional procession of the miraculous icon of the Archangel took place, around the holy pilgrimage site, in the presence of thousands of devout believers, the authorities of the locality, the military leadership and representatives of the Law enforcement.
Afterwards, a holy trisagion memorial service was chanted over the tomb of the ever remembered Metropolitan Porphyrios of Serres (1824-1829), a native of Mantamados, and hospitality was offered to the many pilgrims who came to celebrate the holy feast day.
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