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“Man of God – the Life of St Nectarios” Premiers in Adelaide

The recently-released movie “Man of God” was screened in Adelaide for the first time on Wednesday of Bright Week, 27th of April 2022. With the blessing of the local Archepiscopal Vicar His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope, the event was organised by the Holy Monastery of St Nectarios at the initiative of its Priest, Fr Panagiotis Kouvoussis, along with the support of his Committee and the tireless Philoptochos. The screening was conveniently held at the nearby Hoyts Cinemas, Arndale. Despite less than two weeks of promotion and a significant wave of COVID forcing people in the community to isolate, nearly 300 people purchased tickets for the event from across Adelaide.

The movie was extremely well received by all present, with some viewers being moved to tears when confronted by the stark realities that the Saint had to face.

After the movie those viewers who were able returned to the hall of the nearby Holy Monastery of St Nectarios for a live Q & A session and reflection on the movie. Nearly half of those present at the screening returned to the Parish for the Q & A, which included a free meal served by the generous and hard-working ladies of the parish’s Philoptochos. The Q & A panel was headed by Bishop Silouan and accompanied by the parish’s Assistant Priest (Fr Jeremy Krieg) and President (Dr Vladimyros Devrelis), while Fr Panagiotis’ absence (due to COVID) was keenly felt by all. The questions and comments from the floor were insightful and of a high quality, with a particular focus on the Saint’s patience, longsuffering and unfailing loyalty in the face of unjust and unexplained persecutions from those whom he trusted the most.

In all it proved to be a highly successful and spiritually edifying evening, and the interest was sufficiently high as to encourage a further screening at a later date.