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Labor omnibus bill tabled in parliament on Friday

The Labor & Social Affairs Ministry’s omnibus bill on updated labor legislation was tabled in parliament on Friday, after two weeks in public consultation.

Among the changes the bill aims to bring are turning the Labor Inspectorate into an independent authority, obliging union leaders to register in labor registries, and abolishing political party or business owner subsidies or assistance to labor unions. It also foresees extended leave of absence for young mothers, among other clauses.

The bill also includes a provision for introducing an employees’ digital clocking card, which is expected to tackle undeclared work and overtime, and establishes compensation terms for overtime work, while it does not essentially change current laws on the 8-hour day.

It addresses “modern, real problems of workers and especially women and young people, redresses injustices, abolishes outdated regulations, and brings the framework of labor law in alignment to best European practices,” the ministry said in comments.

Source: ANA-MPA