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“Joint Prayer for Ukraine” in Saint Sophia, Kyiv

A “Joint Prayer for Ukraine” was celebrated today in St. Sophia in Kyiv.

The prayer was attended by the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv.

Metropolitan of Kyiv offered a prayer for the liberation of Ukraine from the aggressor.

“Lord, hear the prayers of your children in times of trouble, free Ukraine from foreign invaders. Bless and strengthen our soldiers, our government, our President and all of our people, who oppose the treacherous Russian aggressor. Help our courageous defenders, who belong to the heavenly army of the most formidable leader, Archangel Michael, to destroy the evil plans of the foreigners. Lord, do not allow the enemies to destroy our people, our state and our shrines. We beseech you, grant us victory in your name, and peace.”

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