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His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia at the opening of the exhibit “Open Horizons – Ancient Greek Journeys and Connections” – in Melbourne, VIC

On Thursday, April 28, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia attended the official Opening of the Exhibition, entitled: “Open Horizons -Ancient Greek Journeys and Connections “, at the Melbourne Museum.

His Eminence was accompanied by the Their Graces, Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis and Bishop Evenios of Kerasounta, Archiepiscopal Vicars for the Archdiocesan Districts of Melbourne and Northcote, respectively.

The ceremony was also attended by the Premier of Victoria, Mr Daniel Andrews, the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Hellenic Republic, Mrs Lina Mendoni, Federal and state MPs of the coalition and the opposition, the Consul General of Greece in Melbourne, Mr Emmanuel Kakavelakis,as well as representatives of expatriate associations and organisations.

The Archbishop of Australia, in his short greeting, congratulated those who worked on the organisation of the Exhibition, while, referring to the impressive exhibits, which are being hosted, he distinguished that they confirm that a basic element of the vision of the Ancient Greeks, like their driving force for exploring the open horizons, it was more than anything else the search for truth.

It is noted that the Exhibition “Open Horizons – Ancient Greek Journeys and Connections “will remain open to the public until August 14, 2022.

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