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Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and memorial service for late Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus

One year ago, on 7 November  2022, His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus fell asleep in the Lord.

On Sunday, 5 November  2023, at the Cathedral of the Apostle Barnabas in Nicosia, His Beatitude Archbishop George of Cyprus presided over the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, as well as the annual memorial service for the repose of the blessed soul of late Archbishop Chrysostomos II.

His Grace Bishop Kassianos of Aravissos (Ecumenical Patriarchate), Abbot of the Holy Trinity Monastery of Halki, representative of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, His Eminence Metropolitan Daniel of Kaisariani (Church of Greece), and His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamasos and Oreini concelebrated the Divine Liturgy.

The representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bishop Kassianos of Aravissos, referred to the late Archbishop with feelings of gratitude and love. Metropolitans Kyrillos of Krini and Timotheos of Dodoni (exarch of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in Cyprus) attended the Divine Liturgy. Subsequently, the Archbishop of Cyprus performed a Trisagion service at the tomb of the late Archbishop.

“The people deemed the late Archbishop as a true Father, a sleepless guardian, an experienced and discreet guide, and a tireless and selfless worker with his multifaceted social work. They deemed him as an inspired and creative renovator and a tireless fighter, a proud and undaunted fighter for the rights of our Church,” he said.

Source: Church of Cyprus

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