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Greek archaeologists are worried about Hagia Sophia and the Monastery of Chora: They sent a letter to UNESCO

The Association of Greek Archaeologists (SEA) express their concern for world heritage sites Hagia Sophia and the Monastery of Chora, in their relevant letter addressed to UNESCO, in which they hope to shed light on this most important issue.

In particular, the Association of Greek Archaeologists (SEA) on Monday 22/8 sent an open letter to the general director of Unesco, Audrey Azoulay, asking the international organisation “to intervene in order to reverse the current situation which only poses risks for the world cultural heritage monuments of Hagia Sophia and the Monastery of Chora”

“Following their previous interventions on the matter, they commented that they would address the international scientific community for resolutions in order to save the monuments» as pointed out by the Association of Greek Archaeologists.

“From 2020 and especially recently, photographic evidence has come to light with ominous prospects for the future of Hagia Sophia“, the SEA points out in their letter, as reported by the Athens News Agency, stressing among other things that “archaeological science has been left out of the monument”.

At the same time, since they emphasise that “during the last years (2006 onwards) when the Directorate of Religious Affairs took over the management of monuments that were formerly held by the Archaeological Service of Turkey, many monuments have suffered irreparable damage“. The Association of Greek Archaeologists (SEA) express their concern because “currently, work is also being carried out on another leading Byzantine monument in Constantinople, the former catholicon of the Monastery of Chora (Kariye Camii), so that it can also be utilised as a mosque.